About Me





Jennilee Murray was born and raised on a farm in Kelowna, British Columbia. At an early age, she enjoyed the arts, earning her BFA with a concentration on drawing, painting, art history and creative writing at UBC in Kelowna. A move to Ottawa, Ontario brought opportunities to further practice her art, while starting up a creative modeling career, and delving into a varied acting portfolio. Jennilee's first dabble into film was a modern horror homage to classic gore - Lee Demarbre's Smash Cut alongside David Hess. She also appeared in a national Harvey's commercial and Michael Dubue's live audio adaptation Night of the Living Dead Live! in 2016, Jennilee published her first book - Alphabetta Natura: An Illustrated Alliteration for All Ages. Currently, Jennilee is working on creating dynamic children's content and writing scripts, as well as puttering away on a new illustration series that may become a second book.